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Alan (m²)


Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality





During the Byzantine period, when the boundaries of the New City, which was expanded, were extended to the Ayakapı-Yenikapı line, Süleymaniye became included within the city walls. In the era of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, between the years 1550-1557, with the construction of the Süleymaniye Mosque and Complex, the area came to be known as Süleymaniye after the 16th century. In the rapidly developing area surrounding the mosque and complex, many important religious and administrative buildings were constructed alongside residential areas.

The neighborhood fabric that developed around the complex mainly consists of wooden and masonry structures. The fires that occurred in the 17th and 18th centuries, due to the narrow streets and wooden buildings, caused great damage to the Süleymaniye region. Despite many areas being left unused, the registered buildings in the Suleymaniye region are distinguished examples of Ottoman civilian architecture.

"Historic Areas of Istanbul" in 1858, consisting of four zones on the Historic Peninsula as world heritage sites: Sultanahmet, Süleymaniye, Zeyrek Mosque and its surroundings, and the Istanbul city walls. Following the revelation of Süleymaniye area's inclusion in the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2004, it was declared as a renewal area by the Council of Ministers with Decision No. 2006/10501 published in the Official Gazette dated May 24, 2006.

Location of Plot 497

The historical buildings surrounding Plot 497, situated northwest of the Süleymaniye Complex, hold considerable significance. Among these structures are the Alfred Helbronn Botanical Garden (Bab-ı Meşihat and Fetvahane) and the Katip Şemsettin Mosque. Fetva Yokuşu, descending from the complex's side, traverses Plot 497, linking to Küçük Pazar Street, a bustling area with numerous commercial units, thereby forming a crucial pedestrian route.

Plot 497 Preliminary Project

Plot 497 is located in the Demirtaş neighborhood of the Fatih district in Istanbul province. It consists of 20 parcels, 7 of which are registered. Parcels numbered 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 17 are registered, with parcel 10 containing a building dating back to the 1940s-1960s, registered as a traditional masonry apartment example. A conservation project based on existing structure improvement will be implemented for this building.

Similarly, the building on parcel 14, which is registered, will undergo a conservation project based on existing structure improvement. As for parcels 8, 9, 12, 13, and 17, the registered buildings are in a state of disrepair/ruin, so reconstruction projects will be carried out in accordance with the original building system.

Parcels numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 20, 21, 22, and 24 are unregistered and do not have any buildings on them.

Perspective of Plot 497 / Corner of Parcel 1

Parcels 1 and 10 have been selected as two public spaces on the island. Parcel 1 accommodates pedestrian flow coming from the Süleymaniye Mosque and Complex, while Parcel 10 is situated at the point where the Golden Horn, the Istanbul Textile Merchandise Center (IMÇ), and Küçük Pazar Street converge with Plot 497. Across Parcel 1 stands the historic Katip Şemseddin Mosque, which is depicted as green space on historical maps before being occupied. Due to its location and cultural heritage relationship, Parcel 1 is envisioned as a social center with shared exhibition and workspace areas. Leveraging the elevation difference resulting from the demolition of the old structure, the building has been partially submerged underground. The roof of the structure is designed as a park area to cover the elevation difference created by natural retaining walls.

As for Parcel 10, the registered masonry structure and its garden suggest restoration for use as a café/restaurant due to its size and garden space.

View from Parcel 1 to Parcels 22 and 17 / Park and Mosque Garden

It is recommended to pedestrianize Katip Şemseddin Mosque Street, which is currently used as a parking lot and lies between the Katip Şemseddin Mosque and the park located on Parcel 1. This would enhance the connection between Parcel 1 and Parcels 22 and 17, creating a more pedestrian-friendly environment and improving access to the mosque and park.

The observation terrace located at the elevation of the park, created to take advantage of the natural slope, offers commanding views extending from the Süleymaniye Mosque to the Golden Horn.

view of parcels 10 and 11 towards Namahrem Street

View of Parcel 14 towards Namahrem Street

Parcel 14, situated among the registered parcels, including 14, 17, 26, 24, 20, and 21, has been proposed for a contemporary design inspired by the Süleymaniye Houses. Due to the elevation differences on the island, the areas above the historical stone wall have been designed as private gardens for these parcels. For Parcel 26, a two-story independent residence is proposed, while Parcel 24 is planned as a two-story structure consisting of independent apartments on each floor. Parcels 20 and 21 are designed as three-story buildings, each floor comprising independent apartments.

Parcels 26, 24, 20, 21, and 17

For the garden facades, proposals have been developed for a more transparent and modern facade design, distinct from the street texture. Taking into account the position and height of the parcels, window openings have been suggested at points where views of the Golden Horn and Süleymaniye can be observed from the garden facades.

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